Tänään oli Oulussa (tai oikeasti kotihoodeilla Virpiniemessä) ryhmänäyttely, johon meiltä oli ilmoitettu Oosa ja Uikki sekä lisäksi B-pennuista Vinski. Isovillakoirat olivat kehässä heti aamusta, joten reippaasti nousimme puoli seitsemältä ja jo heti kahdeksan jälkeen olimme parkissa kehän reunalla. Sää oli mukavan aurinkoinen, mutta tuuli viilensi tuntumaa (saatoin ehkä polttaa vähän ihoa :)) Tuomarina villakoirilla oli Svetlana Kokonena, Latviasta.
// Today there was a dog show for FCI groups 4/6 and 9 in Oulu, or actually near our home in Virpiniemi. I had entered Oosa and Uikki there, and also Vinski from our B-litter participated. Standard poodles were in the ring early in the morning, so we woke up at half past six and were at eight at the show ground. The weather was sunny but there was some wind (so I might have burnt me a bit :)). The judge for the poodles was Svetlana Kokonena from Latvia.
Ensimmäisenä meidän porukasta meni kehään Vinski toisen junioriluokan uroksen kanssa. Vinskille ERI, luokkavoitto ja SA! Vau! Paras uros kehässä oli kolme koiraa, Vinski vei voiton ja näin ollen pokkasi ensimmäisen sertinsä kotiin! Mahtavaa!
// The first in ring of our gang was Vinski, who competed with another junior class male. Vinski got EXCellent, won the class and got a CQ (certificate quality). Wow! There were three dogs competing in the best male class - Vinski won and got his first CAC! Just splendid!
Vinski meidän pihalla näyttelyn jälkeen // Vinski at in our garden after the show |
Oosalla ei kilpakumppaneita (nytkään) ollut. Oosan arvostelu: "17-mnt-old. Feminine with nice eyes, dark eyes. Would like a bit better shape of eyes. Good length of ears. Enough length of the neck. Strong topline. Just a bit long in loin. Good length of croup and set of tail. Enough chest of this age. Very well filled forechest. Angulation in good balance. Moves parallel up and down. Excellent temperament. Correct quality of coat. Very well presented." Oosalle myös ERI, luokkavoitto, SA ja ainoana narttuna PN1 ja SERT! ROP-valinnassa veli peittosi siskon, Vinskin tulos siis kaikkinensa JUN ERI, JUK1, SA, PU1, SERT, ROP ja Oosan JUN ERI, JUK 1, SA, PN1, SERT, VSP.
// Oosa didn't have any competitors. Oosa's critiques: "17-mnt-old. Feminine with nice eyes, dark eyes. Would like a bit better shape of eyes. Good length of ears. Enough length of the neck. Strong topline. Just a bit long in loin. Good length of croup and set of tail. Enough chest of this age. Very well filled forechest. Angulation in good balance. Moves parallel up and down. Excellent temperament. Correct quality of coat. Very well presented." She also got EXCellent, won her class and got a CQ. As an only female, she also was Best Female 1 and got also her first CAC! In BOB competition Vinski was better than Oosa, so his result totally was JUN EXC, JUK 1, CQ, BM 1, CAC and BOB and Oosa's JUN EXC, JUK 1, CQ, BF 1, CAC, BOS.

Oosan ja Uikin välissä oli villakoirien mittaus ja yksi koira. Kiireestä johtuen ROP-/VSP-kuva unohtui ottaa :/ Minulla oli täysi työ saada Uikin jalat alas, sekun tykkää hyppiä - ja korkealle. Sain sen kuitenkin kulkemaan kehässä ilman kouluratsastusliikkeitä tai etujalkojen ylösheittämisiä! Uikin arvostelu: "12-month old feminine. Good size, form and bones Nice head, correct profile line. Would like a bit more chin. Dark eyes with good pigmentation. Excellent length of ears. Correct set of neck. Enough withers. Strong topline. Good length of croup what is a bit sloping. Correct tail set. Well angulated in front, enough behind. Moves parallel up and down. Typical, excellent drive. Very good coat quality. Excellent temperament." Uikille myös ERI, luokkavoitto ja SA. Tässä vaiheessa minun piti käydä tarkistamassa, oliko jäljellä ollut veteraaninarttu jo valio - ja olihan se. Paras narttu -kehässä Uikille kakkossija, mutta sertin sekin sai :) Eli Uikille JUN ERI, JUK 1, SA, PN2, SERT.
// There were only measuring of poodles and one dog between Oosa and Uikki so in a hurry we totally forgot to take a picture of BOB and BOS :/ I had to work to get all Uikki's four feet down on the earth - she just loves jumping and high. But I manage to get her to move very nicely in the ring, with no dressage movements or high front feet. Uikki's critiques: "12-month old feminine. Good size, form and bones Nice head, correct profile line. Would like a bit more chin. Dark eyes with good pigmentation. Excellent length of ears. Correct set of neck. Enough withers. Strong topline. Good length of croup what is a bit sloping. Correct tail set. Well angulated in front, enough behind. Moves parallel up and down. Typical, excellent drive. Very good coat quality. Excellent temperament." Uikki also got EXCellent, she won her class and got a CQ. Now I had to check if the remaining veteran class female already was a Finnish champion - and she was. In the best female Uikki was placed second but anyway she got a CAC as well :) So her result was JUN EXC, JUK 1, CQ, BF 2, CAC.

Koska Vinskin omistajalla oli muuta menoa, jäin Vinskin kanssa odottamaan ryhmäkilpailua. Ryhmäkilpailun tuomari ei suonut katsettakaan upealle Vinsentille, mutta kokemusta rikkaampana lähdimme lopulta nuoren koiran kanssa näyttelypaikalta.
// Because Vinski's owner had else to do, I stayed at the show ground waiting for the group finals with Vinski. The judge hardly looked at handsome Vinski so we left the show just an experience richer.